The Creative Economies Lab is a research and delivery team within UWE Bristol’s Digital Cultures Research Centre.
We specialise in supporting R&D and innovation in the creative sector. We provide tangible, real-world benefits to creative professionals and businesses by funding R&D, expanding their professional networks, offering business support, and other forms of intervention to support the wellbeing of the creative and cultural sectors.
To date we have been funded over £10M by AHRC and RCUK to manage large scale knowledge exchange grants and commissions to support this work. Through these programmes, we gather evidence for national conversations on creative policy, and are exploring radical, critical alternatives to existing models of creative economic growth. We develop and deliver all these programmes with our partners Watershed.
As part of the DCRC, we develop platforms for creative practitioners, businesses, thinkers, artists, and academics to collaborate to explore questions about the role of digital technologies in our everyday lives and futures: from data, surveillance and control, to the promises and problems of Artificial Intelligence, through to the role of technology in togetherness and performance, and human-centred responses to climate change.
Through our KE work, we take an ecosystemic approach – thinking about how people, places, organisations, and things are connected – to explore a better, more hopeful future for creative work, underpinned by real-world experimentation, and critical conceptual enquiry. We conduct research, write, teach and speak about our work, and run the biannual Creativity Knowledge Cities conference.
We particularly welcome applications for doctoral study in the following areas of interest:
The role of local cultural production in equitable and sustainable placemaking and regeneration.
Resilience in the creative and cultural economy including alternative forms of organisation in creative work.
Creative hubs as translocal anchors and nodes in global creative industry ecosystems.
Creative ecologies, value, and alternative constructions of economy in creative work.
Equitable and sustainable placemaking and regeneration initiatives underpinned by local cultural production.
Creative hubs as translocal anchors and nodes in global creative industry ecosystems.
Resilience in the creative and cultural economy.